Bilete 3SO The Olive Seed Series #2: Ion Ludwig, Prâslea - 7 mar, ora 21:00 - Galeria Senat

3SO The Olive Seed Series #2: Ion Ludwig, Prâslea

Galeria Senat, București

vineri, 7 martie, ora 21:00

Cumpără bilete

Nr. bilete
General Access

Mai sunt doar 9 bilete disponibile

Acces general 4 + 1 gratis

Platesti 4 bilete, primesti încă unul.

Mai sunt doar 20 bilete disponibile

51,79 lei4143 lei
Late access
În curând
Dacă ai un cod de voucher, click aici
Organizatorul nu permite returul biletelor


On March 7th, The Olive Seed Series continues with The Olive Seedling, symbolizing the first signs of new life. Our journey continues through music, live painting, and human connection. This event develops what we started, bringing new energy and shaping the path toward 3 Smoked Olives Festival.


Ion Ludwig - @ionludwig
Praslea -
Crihan - @discret.popsecu
Liburn - @liburnilazi

+ live painting by Pisica Patrata - @pisicapatrata

S.E.N.A.T. Galerie | Combinatul Fondului Plastic
07 March | 22:00h


Seedling (first 100): 40 lei
Regular: 50 lei
At the door: 75 lei