Bilete Festa da Favela - 27-28 iul - Club Fabrica

Festa da Favela

Club Fabrica, București

27-28 iulie

Evenimentul s-a încheiat.


Festa da Favela returns with another wild party on July 27th at Club Fabrica.

Pregatiti-va sa petreceti pe un vibe nemaintalnit pana acum la petrecerea Festa da Favela in stil brazilian. Combinam pasiunea noastra pentru cultura si muzica braziliana cu placerea de a dansa pana dimineata. Va asteptam pe 27 Iulie la Fabrica Club, Bucuresti incepand cu ora 10 pana dimineata la o noapte de neuitat.


Cum se intra?

⚠️Accesul se face pe baza doar pe baza de bilet.⚠️

In baza locurilor disponibile oferim urmatoarele pachete:

Intre 4 Iulie si 7 Iulie:

  • Early Bird la 40 de RON

De pe 4 Iulie pana la inceperea evenimentului:

  • Pachet 1+1 la 60 de RON (Numar limitat care se epuizeaza repede)
  • General Access la 50 de RON
  • Pachet 4+1 la 200 de RON (Numar limitat)
  • Pachet 2+1 la 100 de RON (Numar limitat)

Biletele se pot achizitiona si la intrare in limita locurilor disponibile:

  • Pana in ora 22:00 (50 de RON)
  • Dupa ora 22:00 (70 de RON)


Ce fel de muzica o sa fie?


O sa dansam impreuna pe melodii de la Anitta, Major Lazer, Ludmilla, MC Kevinho, MC Fioti, Tropikillaz, ZAAC, Nego do Borel, Luisa Sonza, J Balvin, Alok, Cat Dealers, Maluma, si multi altii.

Impreuna cu DJ Filip Marchidan si MC Dragomilli vom petrece pana dimineata.

⚠️ Recomandam sa ajungeti pana in ora 23:00 sa aveti timp de warmp-up, pentru ca la ora 00:00 incep surprizele si partyul nostru deja se incinge ca la un Baile de Favela adevarat ⚠️

Va asteptam!!!




Get ready to immerse yourself in the vibrant beats and electrifying energy of Festa da Favela! We have a deep appreciation for the Brazilian culture and music, and the thrill of dancing into the early hours of the morning. Join us on July 27th at Fabrica Club, at 10 PM for an unforgettable night that will have you partying until dawn.  


How to join?

⚠️Access is permitted with a ticket only.⚠️

Based on availability we offer the following packages:

Between July 4th and July 7th:

  • Early Bird la 40 de RON

From July 4th until the party begins:

  • 1+1 Package at 60 RON (Fast Selling and limited spots)
  • General Access at 50 RON
  • 4+1 Package at 200 RON (Limited spots)
  • 2+1 Package at 100 RON (Limited spots)

Tickets can be purchased at the door based on availability:

  • Until 22:00 (50 RON)
  • After 22:00 (70 RON)


What kind of music is going to be there?

You will shake the dance floor on music from Anitta, Major Lazer, Ludmilla, MC Kevinho, MC Fioti, Tropikillaz, ZAAC, Nego do Borel, Luisa Sonza, J Balvin, Alok, Cat Dealers, Maluma, and many more.

Together with DJ Filip Marchidan and MC Dragomilli we will party until dawn.

⚠️We highly recommend you get there until 23:00 to warm up, because at 00:00 we kick off the surprises and the party is already rolling like at a real Baile de Favela⚠️

We can't wait to see you there!!!


⚠️Prin achizitionarea biletului iti dai consintamantul ca materialele foto/video/audio sa fie utilizate in scopuri de promovare⚠️

⚠️Accesul Minorilor peste 16 ani este permis doar insotiti de un adult si cu acordul parental. Daca minorul nu este insotit, accesul in club nu va fi permis ⚠️