Bilete Vița de Vie at FORM Space - 7 dec, ora 20:00 - FORM SPACE

Vița de Vie at FORM Space

FORM SPACE, Cluj-Napoca

sâmbătă, 7 decembrie, ora 20:00 acces de la 20:00

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General Access
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Accesul este permis doar persoanelor peste 18 ani.

Founded in 1996 and with 10 albums to their name, Vita de Vie is the most well-known and beloved alternative rock band in Romania.

Characterized by a unique blend of professionalism, sincerity, emotion, and energy, Vita de Vie is the most awarded Romanian band, receiving numerous accolades from the industry throughout their career.

Their explosive shows, meticulously crafted production, and attention to detail make Vita de Vie the best Romanian product in their genre since 1990. 

Always in search of new forms of expression, Vita de Vie distinguishes itself through three major musical personalities: ELECTRIC - the core and epicenter of the band's energy, ACUSTIC - an emotionally charged journey within themselves, exclusively performed through natural instruments, and SIMFONIC - the keystone of the band, a fusion of ELECTRIC and ACUSTIC, catalyzed by the grandeur of a symphonic orchestra. To date, Vita de Vie has collaborated with the State  Philharmonics of Târgu Mures, Brasov, and Oltenia Craiova, and next year, they will embark on a national tour with philharmonics, becoming the first Romanian band to do so.

This event is 18+ or accompanied by parents or legal guardians.
Invites are available until 21.